Graham Page – Discipleship

What does the role of Discipleship Deacon entail?

The Discipleship Deacon is responsible for helping to support the church congregation. This involves supporting the church Life Groups and assisting the leadership preaching team where necessary with sourcing resources.

What is your vision for discipleship and for Life Groups?

I want to see the church community grow into a deeper relationship with Christ.

How long have you been Discipleship Deacon and what have you been doing since you took on this role?

I have been in the role with Calvin Horner for a couple of years. During this time, we have been assisting the preaching team and we will be sending regular preaching updates for Life Group leaders to share with the groups on a weekly basis if they so wish.

When and how did you become a Christian?

I became a Christian at a Reinhard Bonke campaign when I was a teenager.

How long have you been at BSBC and what is your background before coming to BSBC?

My wife Priscila and I joined BSBC about eight years ago. During this time, I have been involved in supporting first Gustavo and now Uelton in the Portuguese Language Service (PLS) ministry, including translation, preaching in Portuguese and helping the PLS community in any practical issues I can. I have also helped with the children's and youth ministries. Priscila has helped with the worship at the PLS and been active in the children's work.

Tell us a few interesting things about you…hobbies?

I like to travel and have been to Brazil about 20 times now. I met Priscila on my second trip to Brazil. I also lived in Sweden for seven years where I studied Theology. And as a result I speak fluent Portuguese and Swedish. I am a family man and love nothing more than spending time with my family

What do you do outside the Church?

I spend time with friends and family. I also like to travel (although the pandemic years haven't helped with this!).

Is there anything we can pray about for you and/or your role?

Please pray that God gives Calvin and I the wisdom to develop the discipleship culture in the church so that we can grow together into a deeper relationship with God.


Jo Moore – Worship