‘I got baptised by my dad in the ocean’ – Marissa’s Story

Marissa shares her story of life and faith.

Hi Marissa, can you start by telling us about your parents and childhood?

My family live on the East Coast of America in Connecticut where I was born. My family are all Christians and my dad was from a Catholic background but became an Assemblies of God Pastor for several years. Over the years we went to different churches while I was growing up.

I have one sister who is married with two children and lives in New Jersey. My family and my sister’s family plan to stay with my parents in Connecticut for Christmas this year.

I went to Montclair University in New Jersey and did theatre, communications and a Masters in Speech Pathology (therapy).

When did you become a Christian?

I was four years old and living in Texas and I remember the couch I was sitting on when I asked the Lord Jesus into my life. I was talking with my dad about going to heaven when you die and my dad said I could ask Jesus into my heart right then and there which I did.

When did you get baptised and where?

I got baptised at 12 on Long Beach Island while at a Bible Conference. I got baptised by my dad in the ocean with my friends there watching.

What paid jobs have you had during your life?

I'm a Speech & Language Therapist working full time with my own private practise. I've done this since 2006 in the States and then in Bishop's Stortford and local areas.

Tell us about how you met Tim and about moving to England.

I first met Tim in May 2004 in New Jersey when Tim coached a youth soccer team and attended my church. When I found out Tim was English, I introduced Tim to my sister (as she'd been to England and also she is quieter than me), but he preferred the extrovert me and we started going out! We got engaged on Valentine’s Day 2005, marrying in August 2005. We rented a house for three years before moving to the UK in September 2008.

Tim wanted to be a teacher and so wanted to do teacher training (PGCE). I took a while registering to work in the UK and meanwhile we lived with Tim's parents for nearly a year until we bought a Victorian mid-terrace in Stansted. We lived there until after Keane was born.

Tell us about your children.

We have three boys – Keane, Soren and Breckon. They keep me active and they are amazing!

How long have you been at BSBC?

Since the pandemic but it does feel like longer as Tim grew up in the church so the church feels like an extended family. We had previously been at the Community Church for about 11 years.

How are you serving at BSBC?

I sing as part of the worship band on Sunday Mornings.

What are your favourite things or things that excite you?

I'm a people person. I like doing creative things. I enjoy reading novels, fiction and non-fiction and biographies.


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